Wednesday 2 March 2011

BBC Radio One Newscast Review

This newcast that i'll be reviewing, is one from BBC Radio One, on March 1st 2011, at 10:30am.

The headline news was about how the european court judges have announced that it will be illegal to charge young men with higher premiums for car insurance just because they are seen as more dangerous on the roads. It is said that this will mean that men will have car insurance decreased by 10%, but women will have it increased by 25%. There are also worries that this law would mean that the overall car insaurance value will just go up overall. It ends with a a female member of public just saying that this whole issue will only benefit the insurers and no one else. This was leading news because of familiarity/proximity. This newscast is mainly targeted at drivers in their cars, and therefore all will relate to the issue of car insurance and will have an impact in all of them - which is another reason why it is first - Impact. In additon, it is an event that has taken place recently, so it has timelessness aswell.

The second story is about how liya's leader, gaghafi, has claimed, ina an exclusive BBC interview, that there is no anti-government protest in libiya and that the libiyan people love him as their leader, despite their being clear violence over the previous 10 days. He also claims that any anti governmant feeling is due to Al-Qaeda's influence. This is next in the newscast as it is a story based on conflict and Currency. The violence/protests has been major news for 10 days and it is an update on what is a negative story, that has international interests. Furthermore, there was update on how britsh citizen/epats are trying to get out of libiya and how it is now being seen as an emergency. This story is based on what's happening internationally, but adds more familiarity to the audience as they find out how it is effecting people of their own native, which is very newsworthy, and is cerdible to be early on in the order of the stories being reported.

Next in line, is a story based on a murder of a 14 year old male briton, in washington and how the police have started a murder inquiry over there. Plus that a man has also been arrested. This is a story pf human interest and of familiarity to britsh audience as it is based on something negative that has happened  on their own native and on someone so young. It is a story which can play with human emotions and is about an odinary person, which can make it newsworthy.

Then, it is a story based on, how a charity called alcahol concern, calls for there to be a resriction in where shops in england display alcahol. This is because they claim that if alcahol is displayed so openly, it encourages people to drink more. This is a human interest story, on how alcahol can impact on humans. Plus, it also os based on familarity on the mainly adults based audience that will be listening to it at that time.(1030 am). However, it is lower down in the priority list in the newscast, as it doesn't have as strong on an impact on the audience and doesn't have any "timelessness" factor in the story.

Th final story of this newscast, is about Carlos Ancellotti's confirmation that both Fernando Torres and Didier Drogba will have an involvement in the clash against Manchester United in the evening. This is a sports story and adds prominence as it is about famous footballers and a high profile Premier League clash.

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